Text and photos by PortugalGay.PT. All rights reserved.
Aturuxo is a federation of LGBT associations and groups in the Galiza. This is the report on the "LGBT Meeting of Galiza" organized in Santiago de Compostela that included several workshops, video-projections and a (anti-)procession in the streets of the historic city.
Workshop - Drugs and LGBTs
Workshop - Homoerotic arabic-andaluisi texts
Workshop - PortugalGay.PT
Workshop - Disforia ou euforia de género? Transexualidade e Psiquiatrizaçom
Workshop - O Mundo da Arte e da Homossexualidade
Workshop - Encontros ou desencontros? Feminismo e movimento LGBT
Projecção Video - Asuntos Internos e Luta Anti Psiquiatrização