

LGBT Pride March in Porto 2010

Photo Report
Text and photos by PortugalGay.PT. Some photos by Lauren Maganete. All rights reserved.
In the last weekend another edition of the LGBT Pride March took place in Porto.
This event which had its genesis with the brutal death of Gisberta Salce Junior, in 2006, has increased the numbers of participants in each edition, and this year was no exception. The fifteen entities who organized this edition showed that they were satisfied with the conquest of most request, and more and more heterosexual people who gathered to show that this not an issue only for LGBT people but of an entire society.
The March started at 16:30 in the Praça da República, half an hour late, and in was opened by the "Mareantes", a percussion group that had already opened the march in 2006. Following them was a motar, who said she had invited more friends to come but in the last moment they retracted.
This year the march stopped a few minutes, more specifically, 6 minutes, at Rua de Santa Catarina between the Fernandes Tomás and Formosa streets. During this pause the manifesto entitled "We exist, We demand". In that time the protesters sat on the floor, allowing passers-by to listen to the reasons to march.
The march followed until 31 de Janeiro street and then to Sá da Bandeira stree and finally to Praça D. João I where a moment of speeches by the organizations present at the rally.
Featured in the speech was Belmiro Pimental, which identified himself as an agent of Police, like the many agents that were surrounding the rally and who have listened to his words.
Right there was music and a drag-queen performance. The time was to dance, to socialize, to make themselves known to each other.
Over the gigant rainbow flag children walked around who had marched with their parents, and they transform that moment in a large amusement park.



Rua Gonçalo Cristovão

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Rua Santa Catarina

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Manifest Reading

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Rua Santa Catarina

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Rua 31 de Janeiro / Rua Sá da Bandeira

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